Individual Therapy
Individual therapy is a joint process between a therapist and a person in therapy. Common goals of therapy can be to inspire, change or improve quality of life. People may seek therapy for help with issues that are hard to face alone.
Therapy can help you to identify, understand and accept your strengths and weaknesses as well as what makes you feel positive or anxious. Doing this with someone you can trust you may learn to cope better with situations that you find difficult and explore and identify new ways of approaching them.
My approach to therapy is integrative and 'transpersonal', meaning 'beyond the personal'. Our sessions together, if you wish, may also help you discover a deep and more enduring essential self that exists beyond the conditioned ego.
Sessions last
50 min : £ 75
" Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us "
Marianne Williamson